Kind Emergents: Providing support to those experiencing spiritual awakenings

Waynupicchu, Peru (c) Dida Kutz

A spiritual awakening, or expansion of self and world, can often precipitate difficult-to-manage emotions. These turning points can be categorized as either a spiritual emergency (term coined by Dr. Stan Grof and his late wife Christina Grof)* or a spiritual emergence. Being seen and heard in a safe group can help navigate your process.

Online Peer Groups

Biweekly sharing circles beginning in 2024 are currently open to interested persons. Please email my colleague to express interest. (Groups limited to 10 participants.) 90 minutes each. Participants must be at least 18.

Safe, Confidential

Emphasis will be on co-creating a safe, confidential, shame-free forum for sharing and support.

Certified by IMHU

Certified as a peer coach by Integrative Mental Health Organization.